Category running

Stinky and Steamy?

This past weekend, I ran with a new Mama friend from our local chapter of Moms RUN This Town.  Since I’m building mileage for my next half marathon, and I am on week 5 of my Galloway training plan, I was scheduled to run 9 miles.  I brought my trusty Nathan 4-bottle water belt, but […]

Rambling Mom

wandering through life...


I'm a mom on the run!

Latinas Run Hot

What happens when motherhood and running collide.

Inspired Reads

Christian Kindle Books on a Budget

The Stone Rabbit

What happens when motherhood and running collide.

Amy Caine Fitness

What happens when motherhood and running collide.

The Best of Days/The Worst of Days

What happens when motherhood and running collide.


What happens when motherhood and running collide.

Maniac Mom's mission to train for a Mud Run!

Cheer me on as I go from a pack a day smoker to a mud run competitor!

Holding to the Ground

Trying to keep sane as the rules keep changing