Author Archives: melflem

Back at It

Oops, it’s been over a year and a half since I blogged. I sort of had a nervous breakdown training for the marathon and had to give some things up…blogging was one of them. But, things have since settled down, and I’m hoping to pick up writing my blog again. So, a quick update. I […]

A “Perfect” Training Run

After yesterday’s post, I’m sure everyone wants an update, right? I can just hear you all clamoring to interview me asking, “did you make it to mile 23?” “how did you overcome the wall?” and “why is this a perfect training run?”  The first question is a quick answer, which muddies up the rest, no, […]

PINK SATURDAY: 7 Weeks….Eeks

It’s been a while since I’ve posted, so I thought I’d catch you up.  I’m just over 7 weeks away from my first marathon.  7 weeks, and 1 day.  Don’t ask me to break it down into hours and minutes and seconds, because I’m nervous enough as it is. Being about 7 weeks out means […]

PINK SATURDAY: Halfway to Marathon Day

Remember that marathon in May I’m training for?  Well, my weekend runs are getting longer and longer, and I’m only about halfway through my training.  Last weekend, I ran my furthest distance in almost a year, 14 miles.  Actually, to be honest, it was 14.2, but who’s counting, right?  If you’re a runner, you know […]

Stubborn Runners

A while back, I wrote about how I hurt my knee after a 14 mile training run.  I also wrote about how it healed in time for the 1/2 marathons I was running shortly thereafter.  What I haven’t written about is my newest trauma…a hip injury. Just after The Great Race 10k at the end […]

Wise Words

Several times, I’ve discussed why I run.  I’ve talked about the group on Facebook called, I Run 4 Michael and how I got involved.  I’ve even discussed the little boy who I run for.  Today, I’d like to share with you the words of his beautiful mother to celebrate Downs Syndrome Awareness Month. Yesterday, she […]

What Did I Just DO?

Oh my goodness.  I can’t believe that.  I pushed the button.  I confirmed registration for a FULL 26.2 mile MARATHON.  Up to now, the furthest I’ve run is 15 miles in one race, but now I have to complete 11.2 miles OVER that.  OH.MY.GOSH.  I never thought I would commit to that when I began […]

Pink Saturday: Four years and 15,000 Friends

Today my son, husband, and I participated in The Great Race.  My son and husband ran the 5k, and I ran the 10k.  For me, this was my 4th year, 3 were in the 5k, and this year.  It is always a lot of fun, despite the massive amount of runners, second in Pittsburgh to […]

Rollercoaster Week

This week is a Mommy’s week, not a Runner’s week. It started out with missed homework assignments, followed by our daughter moving up a second level in as many weeks in dance, We had some proud moments, like the 5-year-old making it to purple on the behavior chart…to some frightening moments, like waiting for news […]


This morning, I had the honor of meeting up with a few of my friends from my local Moms RUN This Town chapter.  Since we were meeting at a park where there was going to be a race a little later in the morning, we kept our run short.  We’re all training for our race […]

Rambling Mom

wandering through life...


I'm a mom on the run!

Latinas Run Hot

What happens when motherhood and running collide.

Inspired Reads

Christian Kindle Books on a Budget

The Stone Rabbit

What happens when motherhood and running collide.

Amy Caine Fitness

What happens when motherhood and running collide.

The Best of Days/The Worst of Days

What happens when motherhood and running collide.


What happens when motherhood and running collide.

Maniac Mom's mission to train for a Mud Run!

Cheer me on as I go from a pack a day smoker to a mud run competitor!

Holding to the Ground

Trying to keep sane as the rules keep changing