Cheating Chafe

I really want to wear a running skirt.  Honestly, I hate that I have to wear tights to keep from getting inner thigh chafe.  It’s not the feel of tight shorts/pants that bothers me, it’s the look.  I hate that everyone can see my butt, thigh, crotch, well, every bit of me.  So, I’ve bought two running skirts.  Oddly enough, these two skirts were bought about a year apart, in March or April 2012 and again in March of 2013. 

The first time, I went to the store, and being cheap, I went to Target’s Athletic section and picked up a C9 skirt in black.  It’s basic but has a little pocket in the inside in the waist band (which honestly, I didn’t notice till writing this post).  I wore this skirt for the first and only time at The Pittsburgh Marathon 5k I ran last year.  The shorts sewn in RODE UP LIKE CRAZY and I was chafed on both inner thighs.The legs are just too loose, but I can’t go down a size because my hips and bum are too large for the smaller size.

This year, I ordered a Russell Athletic skirt off Amazon in white.  Why white, you ask, since white makes big look bigger?  Well, I wanted a skirt for Color Me Rad in June, and I wanted to wear all white.  I mean, think about it, wearing white skin tight shorts would REALLY make me look big.  The skirt fit me and looks cuter than I thought it would.  It doesn’t even make me look big.  But same problem as last year.  I took those babies on a run one morning, and the shorts rode up like mad.  AGAIN!  UGH, frustrating. 

It seems there’s just no extra elasticy goodness in the legs of the skorts I got.  I understand there are some great brands out there that have good shorts underneath, but I guess you get what you paid for. 

So I researched, googling “sewing elastic to running shorts legs”.  I found a comment on a blog with a fabulous solution…cut a small hole in the hem and thread elastic through it.  Here’s one leg done…can you tell which? 


Here’s the skirt down…the pin that I used to pull the elastic through is still in, but, you get the idea.  You can’t even see my fix.


Now it’s time for the other leg…tomorrow, during our family 5k, I may even give it a shot at its destiny as…a RUNNING skirt.


  1. I have never understood the running skirt however I understand the dis taste for shorts. However for color me rad I have been looking for a pair of lace stockings… The idea is that the color stains(at least for a few days I hear) and I think it would be super cool to have multi colored lace “tattooed” on my legs for a few days. I hope no one steals my idea now that I’ve written it down! LOL.

    1. Fun idea Dayle. I know they say you can make the color almost permanent by soaking it in -vinegar- I think …It’s on their website. I want my white shirt and skirt to be permanently colorful.

      And, yeah, I just want my ass-ets covered.

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